TALUM the past. the present. the future.
Talum has a rich history; we have been committed to aluminium already since the year 1954, when the first kilograms of this light “metal of future” flowed out of the production. Knowledge and experience, which have been growing for more than sixty years, and the use of latest technology, help us to build our future and give us a possibility to, sovereignly and proudly, stand aside the greatest competitors in the aluminium industry.
The year 2017 was a year with good business results as well. With optimisation we reduced the electricity consumption in electrolysis, started with the activities for entering the market of billets with specific characteristics, increased the sale of discs and slugs and achieved full occupancy of production capacities. We have successfully established a high-pressure casting and increased the sales of castings. We received two Silver awards from the Styrian Chamber of Commerce for Innovation for the optimisation of the reconstruction of the cathodic tubing of electrolytic cells and for gravity casting of aluminium with a vacuum dosing device. Several projects in the field of energy infrastructure were launched, such as modernisation of the heating system. For our achievements in the field of human resources, we have received the award Naj zaposlovalec Podravja 2016 (Top employer of the Podravje region 2016). In the summer, we organized the Talum Family Day for our employees and their families for the first time.
2016 was again a successful business year for us, we were also active in the field of employment, as 120 new employees became a part of our company. We raised the production and sale of billets to almost the maximum possible utilization of production capacities and additionally offered alloys for automotive parts. We increased the sales of castings and castings and invested heavily in the development of castings, tooling and new alloys for dosing racks. Various activities for the health of employees, taking place under the slogan Zdravo Talum (Healthy Talum), took place for the 18th year in a row. We also started the project "Rocket in the garage", whereby we informed primary school children and their parents in which professions we employ persons. For the innovative LED lamp, which we designed together with the company Vip Virant, we received the Golden Award of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce and for our e-business system the Silver Award.
In the year 2015, we set anew the company strategy for the period from 2015 to 2018 with emphasis on lucrativeness and innovation. We started to run a project of establishing the high-pressure casting of aluminium. In March, we marked a record production and sale of slugs and discs. We completed the first phase of reorganisation and introduction of informative system. In May, Talum’s project “Lahkotni svet” (Light World) was concluded. The Styrian Chamber of Commerce awarded us with a silver and golden award for the technological improvements and innovations in the Podravje region.
In the year 2014, our proficiency of manufacturing technology equipment, knowledge transfer, disassembling and general renovation was offered to the company Exal from Switzerland. Soon afterwards, we added to this offer also the manufacture of a casting machine, which we set in a town called Puerto Madryn in Argentina. On the 21st November 2014, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of our existence and we realised the project “Lahkotni svet” (Light World), which involved 5.000 children from kindergartens and schools in our surroundings.
In May 2013, we formally opened a renovated restaurant Pan in Kidričevo. The company Kreativni aluminij d.o.o. (Creative aluminium d.o.o.) began with its business operation.
In the year 2012, we ended building the first solar power plant with the power of 120 kW in a federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In June we opened an exhibition "Uf industrija!" (“Phew, industry!”) as a part of a network exhibition project of European cultural capital Maribor 2012, in a partnership with the town of Ptuj. At the exhibition, we showed a rich history of the factory.
In April 2011, mag. Danilo Toplek after 27 years of managing the company handed over this task to Marko Drobnič.
At the beginning of the year, we again started turning on the shutdown electrolytic furnaces in the hall C. At the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Intellectual Property, we protected the trademark Talum. In that year, we also completed reorganisation of transforming the single joint stock company in the contractual group of associated companies. An essential element of the reorganisation is the set strategy of restructuring with innovation. We also wrote down the values according to which the employees would live and work.
In the year 2009, the financial and economic crisis reached its peak. Consequently, conditions on the global market of aluminium drastically worsened. We reacted quickly to the arisen situation by reducing the production of the primary aluminium by 60 %, and by a transition to a reduced 36-hour working time. That was the worst crisis in the history of Talum ever. In that year, also a technical inspection for the first solar power plant of 1MW power was carried out, which we built on a former landfill of red mud and an operating permit was obtained.
In December 2007, we closed the electrolytic hall B and we made a new step towards the environmental protection. In the year 2008, we acquired the Environmental Permit, which was issued by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Environment.
In the year 2006, we produced the first casting in a gravity-casting machine in a newly established work unit Castings.
2001 - 2004
We built the electrolytic hall C and thus completed the second phase of modernisation regarding the production of primary aluminium. The first terrestrial works started in the year 2001 and the unit began with its operation in the year 2002. In the year 2003, we built a modern foundry of cast alloys and we increasingly started including secondary aluminium in the production. By August 2004, we produced 756.336 tons of primary aluminium in the electrolysis C1 and C2, and together with the production in the hall B, we produced a record amount of the primary aluminium, 155.000 tons. In agreement with an architect Danilo Fürst, we renovated an administrative building.
In the year 1998, we entered Talum in a judicial register as a joint stock company.
Within the factory feast in the year 1996, we demolished a clapped-out chimney, which arose a lot of attention. In that year we also started acquiring certificates, which proved the quality of the production, development virtues, successfulness on the global markets and the direction into ecologically oriented programmes.
1991 - 1992
At the beginning of the nineties in the 20th century, the production was labelled by great and far-reaching changes, among which there were also the changes in the field of environmental protection. Therefore, in the year 1991, the electrolytic hall A stopped with its operation and we stopped the production of metallurgic alumina. The most attention-grabbing thing in public was a programme for ecological “green” rehabilitation of a red mud landfill. In the year 1992, we symbolically planted the first tree. We wanted to change an impression of dusted factory halls and enormous amounts of harmful gases with an image of a modern, environment-friendly production of noble, shining and light metal, indispensable in a modern life throb. In the same year, we renamed the factory into Talum and a slogan "Lahkota prihodnosti" (“The lightness of the future”) was added in the press release.
In the year 1988, we built the first part of the electrolytic hall C with a technology of the pre-bake anode, and the anodes block plant. In the year 1989, a new foundry with a classic cast programme started with its operation. With the new technology of the pre-baked anode, the factory was placed among the most modern producers of aluminium.
In the year 1981, a production of narrow and wide aluminium strips and wires started. In the year 1982, we opened a plant for a production of evaporators, and slugs and discs. A year later, we gradually started replacing heavy fuel oil with natural gas.
In the year 1969, we bought the first computer IBM 1130. In the year 1970, we started 12 trial furnaces of the pre-baked anode and we purchased the first quantometer.
1955 - 1963
A regular production of alumina and aluminium started in the year 1955. A capacity of the factory was 45.000 tons of alumina and 15.000 tons of aluminium per year. In the year 1957, a contract with a French company Pechiney was made and the production capacity increased to 80.000 tons of alumina per year. At the same time, we started building a factory of anodic mass. Between the years 1959 and 1963, we completely automatized the production of alumina. In the year 1963, we completed building the electrolytic hall B with a capacity of 42.000 tons of aluminium per year, and in the same year, the first issues of an internal newspaper “Aluminij” (Aluminium) came out.
In November 1954, the first aluminium came out of the electrolytic furnace. On the 21st of November, the factory was officially open.
In the year 1948, we started building the first plant for electrolysis, a so-called production hall A, where we would produce around 10.000 tons of aluminium per year. In the year 1953 Boris Kidrič, who was one of the leading Slovene and Yugoslavian politicians, died and the factory was renamed into the Factory of alumina and aluminium Boris Kidrič, and a housing estate Strnišče was renamed into Kidričevo.
On the 20th January 1947, the Federal Ministry of Economics established by decree the Factory of alumina and aluminium Strnišče, and the factory was assigned as a state company of federal importance. In May 1947 there followed also the Regulation on the construction of the factory. A project leader, the architect Danilo Fürst, was designated in Strnišče. He set down the construction of a sample socialistic housing estate with all infrastructure in the north side of an industrial complex, but in the following years, only a minor part of it was realised.
After the World War II finished, people at the Ministry of Industry and Mining were considering prospects for a continued construction. In the year 1946, two main constructors of the factory dr. Wilhelm Fulda and Eng. Gustav Vogel arrived from Germany. They also brought plans with them.
A story about aluminium goes back in the year 1942, when a German trust company Vereinigte Aluminium Werke started building a factory of alumina in Strnišče. A flat area of the region Dravsko polje, where there were hospitals and camps during the World War I, was very appropriate for building a bigger industrial complex since it had already been partly communally equipped and there was a railway nearby. They predicted a production process in towers, combined with Sinter’s procedure. Until the year 1945, around 70% of construction works were completed.