Ensuring an adequate number of employees with certain kinds of knowledge, which will help in realising the set goals, will be Talum’s priority also in the future. The highest share of employment is currently shown in the production within different works, where there is required the education of technical fields, respectively the knowledge of mechanical engineering, metallurgy and electrical engineering.

We give an opportunity for the employment also to those job seekers, who do not have appropriate vocations or knowledge, but they are willing to take up an internal additional education for acquiring the needed knowledge.

The employees with a completed education in the fields of different sociological professions represent a slightly lower share in our educational structure. However, they are certainly invited to present themselves to the company.

Those, who want to become a part of the innovative company, which supports the knowledge development and gives opportunities for the development, are invited to fill in a job application form and do not miss a chance to become a real Talum’s person.


I allow TALUM d.d. Kidričevo to keep records and processes the above personal data exclusively for the purpose of the offer or the applications for employment. I am aware that I can cancel my consent at any time.