On the 1st of January 2005 Slovenia, thereby also Talum, entered the Scheme of Trading with Emission Coupons in the area of the European Union countries. By this entering we assumed an obligation of producing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in proportion to the given emission coupons. This means that we have to ensure the exact quantity of these coupons, which will correlate with the amount of our CO2 emissions.
Cooperation on the new marketIf our produced amount of the CO2 emissions exceeds the given quantity of the emission coupons, we will have to find complement margin on the market of emission coupons. In case of surplus, we will be able to offer these coupons to other partakers, who will appear on the enquiry side.
Liability to the country and the Kyoto ProtocolHandover of the emission coupons means liability to the country, which has to report further to the European Commission about fulfilling the liabilities at the national level. The national goal is shown in fulfilling the requirements, accepted within Kyoto Protocol. If the companies do not fulfil their obligations, the country as well will not be successful in the mentioned field.
Successfulness of a new instrumentIt is certainly true, that this new economic instrument, known as trading with the emission coupons, can be more successful than traditional economic instruments. Its greatest advantage is flexibility, which is shown in a possibility of transferring technologies and coupons among managers of operating plants.
The quality is a driving force of all our activities.
In the contemporary business operation, the quality is becoming a dominant factor of the company’s successfulness.
We have conquered the concept of complete quality, which means much more than just a set of technical features of the product. Moreover, the quality enables us to be successful on the increasingly demanding markets.
We want satisfied customers.
We want to convince them with products and services of the highest quality. For this purpose we operate in accordance with the quality standard ISO 9001:2015 (PDF),which certificate we have as well acquired.
As the suppliers for automotive industry, we have acquired the certificate IATF 16949 (PDF)
Our certificates https://www.talum.si/en/certifikati.html.
The environment is not just space where we live, but also the space where people represent its inseparable part. We have established and confirmed the system of environmental management, with which we manage effects of our activities that have consequences in immediate and broader environment.
We want to reduce traces of the aluminium production as much as possible and at the same time to achieve an adequate attitude towards interested clients. Having the efficient system of the environmental management means that all fields of the company are involved:
- development,
- production,
- education,
- purchase,
- material use or construction of new facilities, which was particularly shown with the project of
enlarging the range of the primary aluminium production.
The goal is sustainable development with constant improvements, which enables us to be environment-friendly company that considers economic and social aspects.
A tool that we use for this purpose is the standard ISO 14001, which is included in the integrated management system: environment, quality, and safety and health at work. We have successfully supported the standard in accordance with the certificate (PDF) that we acquired in the year 2001.
With its strategic direction up to this point and plans for further investments into the development of the company and environment, Talum proves that it can be trusted, not only by the local environment, but mainly by its employees, business partners and customers. All subsidiary companies in the Talum Group have obtained environmental permits from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, which is yet an additional confirmation that the Talum Group operates in the right direction regarding development.
Management with chemicals – REACHThe Regulation REACH, which came into force on the 1st June 2007, defines management with chemicals at the level of entire EU. It establishes better inspection of their safe management and it reduces risks for people’s health and for the environment. The company Talum, as a producer and an importer of chemicals (substances, mixtures and products), carried out all activities from pre-registration to registration in prescribed terms. There is available the following e-mail address for better communication: reachcontact@talum.si
Public information on safety measures of TALUM d.d.The press release was prepared under the environmental permit for the SEVESO plant, first obtained in 2016 and amended in 2022, and the prepared Safety report.
Public information on safety measures of TALUM d.d. (PDF)
In the area of manufacturing slugs, the sustainable supply chain is managed in accordance with the standard ISO 22095 (PDF).