Social responsibility is the commitment, which we are pleased to fulfil in the group Talum, and we consider it very seriously since we are aware that the organisation does not exist separated from the space where it operates. With donations and sponsorships, we have constantly supported different activities of many institutions, societies and individuals in local and in broader surroundings. All these as well help us to build good relations with community that are based on mutuality and bring long-term benefits to all people who are involved.
When we say that something is traditional, that means that it has existed for a longer period. Talum as well has had its own tradition for more than 60 years. With the factory’s help and support there operate many societies, which were formed before or around the year 1950 even before our factory started operating. Young men who were building the factory felt the need of socialising and they started forming different groups.
It was formed in the year 1948. Enthusiasts employed in the factory under construction, decided to form a music group. They managed to get instruments also by intending parts of their salaries for the purchase.
During years of its activity, the orchestra achieved enviable awards, but in time it grew older and young musicians were not interested in it anymore. It was the first one, which almost extinguished in the early eighties. However, it did not, since it got a new conductor Stefan Garkov in the early nineties. Within his aspiration a music school was established which influenced rejuvenation and brighter future. Nowadays Tom Hajšek, an academic musician and conductor, conducts the wind orchestra.
The choir beginnings date back to the period around 1950. In comparison with the wind orchestra, choral music is more accessible to a broader circle of people. After all, it is also cheaper because you do not need to buy expensive instruments. Ear for music, good voice and love of singing are enough.
The choir represents a great share of cultural events in the factory and outside it. It is not negligible that the choir participates at almost all funerals of our active and retired workers.
Oliver Buček, a professor of music and a choirmaster, is employed at a primary school Breg in Ptuj. His virtue is mainly his respectful attitude towards work and legacy of his predecessor, a choirmaster Ladislav Pulko, who successfully led the choir for whole three decades.
In the early nineties, the club got a new president and a director who systematically took the club to more successful work and development. In accordance with the direction of Talum’s management, within the clubs activities we do not strive so much for being ranged in the first Slovene League or even higher, but we mainly want to involve as many children and the youth as possible so that they can fulfil their wishes and needs of football activity on grass surfaces.
Nowadays more than two hundred players in different categories kick a ball on the club’s football pitch. In the club there have hardened important names of Slovene football, who continued their careers in clubs of the first Slovene League and abroad. Some of them played also for the Slovene national team.
Nowadays the club has new club places with changing rooms, bathroom facilities, fitness centre and artificial grass on the club’s ancillary football pitch. The club’s overall corporate identity was renovated as well.
In Talum’s subsidiary company Vargas-Al, which deals with physical protection of facilities and their fire safety, a group of professional firefighters is employed. They take care of Talum’s fire protection by making fire protection plans, installing fire extinguishers and fire hydrants, they take care of vehicles etc. The group with its presence covers each shift in the technological process.
Beside the professional group of firefighters there is active also a group of voluntary firefighters, who are organised in a society. They operate according to firefighter’s hierarchic principles. They regularly practise within the factory, which ensures them equipment and tools for undisturbed activity.
Although in the history of the society there occurred questions about the point of it, it has become a part of Talum’s tradition. In the year 2004, the firefighters got new places with a garage, changing rooms, places for keeping tools and a workshop for the equipment repair.
This is an award for outstanding work achievements and successful work in the company TALUM d.d., which is given by the chairperson of the board within the company’s celebration on the 21st November. The Golden Butterfly is given in a form of a brooch to female co-workers and in a form of a tiepin to male co-workers. Together with the Golden Butterfly, the award winner receives also a written award and a monetary award.
Each year there are given up to four awards: not more than one for many years of work achievements – the lifetime achievement in the company; and up to three for successful work in recent years. We mainly consider successful leading and completing project tasks, introduction of new approaches towards the work and the organisation of work, which enable more successful and efficient realisation of the business policy and the company’s goals, and contributions to the company’s reputation. A special commission takes care of collecting suggestions for the award and the one selects the winners.